There’s something about Soulmary
In a portrait, it is the honesty that lies in-between moments that captures my fascination.
What is the story and context behind it?
What is it truly telling me?
For me, portrait as well as reportage photography, are about trust and creating an atmosphere where anyone can drop their guard.
Facing each other eye-to-eye with mutual respect, that is part of my philosophy. It is not only about taking a photograph as such but also about getting a glimpse of the soul in front of me. To show the beauty I see in you.
The fact that I can learn something new with every person I meet is what I love most about photography and about life in general. To see with my own eyes what power an idea can have and how far the actions of just one person can take us as a community will never stop to amaze, inspire and motivate me.
To tell the story of Air Zermatt, one has to start at the very beginning where you will find Beat Perren, a ‘Zermatter’ through and through.
Born in 1929, he remembers the days, when the village was cut off from the rest of the world in winter. The locals had to rely on the community and worked together.
Today, the silhouette of the Matterhorn is well-known all over the world and Zermatt is most famous for its international alpine tourism and for pioneering mountain rescue. With increasing alpine tourism, accidents and the pressing need for a new solution for mountain rescues, medical transportation increased as well. Back then, accidents, especially on the glacier, came close to a death sentence. More so, with no hospital nearby. In 1968, Beat Perren, then pharmacist and pilot, wanted to change that and decided to buy his first helicopter, especially for that purpose and thereby laid the foundation for a long history of revolutionary innovation and precision in that field.
Today, we know that response time is most crucial and that helicopter rescues provide the only realistic chance to save lives in the merciless mountain tops. However, like in photography, the equipment alone does not suffice, only in the skilled hands of dedicated people can we unleash the true potential.
Their dedication, their nerves of steel and their trust in one another when working at the highest levels of precision but has left the deepest impression on me is their willingness to risk their own lives to save another.
You will find that most of the crew members grew up in the Swiss mountains where climbing comes as a way of life and with its long-standing tradition is second nature to them.
Growing up surrounded by nature with its own will and power must leave a certain humbleness in one’s personality. This is certainly a crucial component to their uplifting spirit and incredible teamwork.
When I first learned about the history behind Air Zermatt, it became my ambition to pay tribute with a series doing it justice. Transporting the charismatic character of Beat Perren, documenting the home of Air Zermatt and its dramatic landscapes.
‘Fragments of Biel/Bienne’
Carte blanche for Leica & REBL, presented at Bieler Fototage.
A portrait of my hometown and how I see her — familiar paths and beloved scenes.
Biel-Bienne is a city full of life and a place of inspiration. Nestled between German- and French-speaking Switzerland, it is the country’s largest bilingual city. Situated directly on the shores of Lake Biel, it holds a quiet sweetness—one that reveals itself only to those who take the time to look and perceive it with an open heart. You have to pay attention. And when you do, you’ll find people who speak different languages and yet still understand one another.
The city is as beautiful as spring. And like the mist that lingers over its streets, its untamed, unpolished corners are an intrinsic part of its character.
Biel is a place of contrasts—at times raw and unvarnished, shaped by its working-class roots and social challenges, yet also by creativity, resilience, and an undeniable sense of community. It fosters initiative, collaboration, and unexpected connections. On trouve des amis et des alliés aux cafés.
Its heart beats steady at 90 bpm—bold, unyielding, and deeply rooted in rhythm.
A tempo that once defined the golden era of Hip-Hop, when Biel stood as a stronghold of the Swiss scene in the 90s and early 2000s. And even today, the city remains a vibrant hub for music, continuously shaping and nurturing artists across genres. But Biel is more than a music city—it has long been a birthplace for creativity in all its forms. From literature to dance, photography to visual arts, the city breathes artistic expression, producing and inspiring generations of creatives.
Much of this creative energy is fuelled by Biel’s incredible diversity. People from all over the world have made this city their home, bringing their languages, traditions, and perspectives with them. This cultural richness is woven into daily life, into its art, its music, and its streets. It is a place where different worlds meet, mix, and create something new.
Architecturally, the city is both appreciated and shaped by its history—one deeply intertwined with watchmaking. As a centre of Swiss precision and craftsmanship, Biel has long been home to some of the world’s most renowned watch brands. Its industrial heritage is still visible in its streets and remains very much alive today, with many leading watchmakers headquartered here.
My aim was to wander through Biel with open eyes, capturing both my favourite scenes and fleeting impressions of my hometown—by day and by night—using only available light. Working with a 50mm lens demands movement. It requires you to step in, to circle around, to get close, until composition and framing fall into place. It fosters a way of seeing that is deliberate and immersive, a deeper engagement with both the surroundings and the subject itself.
CARTE Blanche for doctors without borders
local supporters of msf
makanda social hall
''My scars are a part of me and tell the story of my life..'' - Darling
Let’s Make a difference
The cultural aspect and the love for vintage fashion build the heart of Van Lo.
Working with talents of all kinds, telling their story and giving their art a platform.
Creating & growing together.
behind the scenes with
Paleta Calm Quality
Carte blanche zum Thema Bewegung für das Neujahrsblatt Zug.